

I've been tagged again

Again. If you're somehow unaware of this, you might want to go here and here. I feel kinda stupid giving a fuck, since I said myself that these were stupid, but it also gives me room to vent when people are stupid.

Like you, person-who-isn't-reading-this.

This time I was tagged by Leon Kennedy, who I haven't been following long enough to know if I care about or not. Sorry Leon. I doubt you'll read this anyway so it doesn't matter.

Leon was particularly interesting with this one paragraph he wrote:

Choosing people was tough.  Not only to find interesting people, but because it seems like everyone's been tagged already!  If you really don't want to answer the questions, let me know and I'll try to find someone else.  All in good fun.

Here you are, man. Breaking rules #4 and #5 (which you put up yourself), in part because they're stupid and in part because you were lazy. It's okay.

To the few readers I've got here, I apologize for yet another tagged post. Please feel free to stop reading now as the questions are coming up.

1. What... is your name?
Well It's D4 to you.

2.  What... is your quest?
Not to fuck your mother in an attempt at giving you a smarter sibling. Great question here.

3.  What... is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
African or European? Yes, dickweed. I know how original you were here.

4.  Why are manhole covers round?
I'll leave the psycho-analyzing to my future bosses.

5.  Before you stand two identical guards, guarding two identical doors.  One of the doors goes to heaven, and one of the doors leads to hell.  One of the guards always tells the truth, and one of the guards always lies.  Both guards know which door is which, and each guard is fully aware of the other.  You want to pass through the door that leads to heaven.  You may only ask one of the guards a single question.  What question do you ask?
I should probably play them play them off each other and ask what the other would say heaven leads to. I'm smarter than that, I'd bust a cap in the first one's ass and ask the second one if he really wants to fuck with me. Yeah.

6.  Chunky or smooth peanut butter?
Chunky for a pb&j, smooth for use on chocolate.

7.  You have eight balls of the same size.  Seven of the balls weigh exactly the same, and one of them weighs slightly more.  How do you find which ball is the heavier one using a balance and only two weighings?
Don't make me bust a cap in your ass too, motherfucker.

8.  Your house is on fire and you only have time to bring one item out with you.  What do you grab and why?
My wallet. I'd like to say the reasons are obvious.

9.  If you cook, what's your best dish?  If not, what's your favorite food?
I will make you the meanest grilled blue cheese burger you've ever tasted.

10.  How was your day today?
Decent, thanks for asking.

11.  A cat is placed in a sealed box with a piece of radioactive material and a vial of poison gas.  The radioactive material has exactly a 50/50 chance of decaying after 1 minute.  If the radioactive material decays, the poison gas will be released and kill the cat.  After 1.5 minutes, what is the state of the cat?
It depends if the radioactive material decays, doesn't it? Also, I know nothing on the poison, for all I know it could work slowly and even if it did decay the cat would seem fine. I might be missing something, I'm tired.

K thanks for the questions Leon. I kinda wish you'd checked this before breaking rule 4. I mean I break some rules anyway but, fuck if I'm gonna turn down the chance to call something stupid. Who would I be?


  1. My guess? Everyone is reading your posts about being tagged.and they are fucking with you when they tag you.again. or...I'm just THAT cynical and cranky.

    1. If they're doing that I applaud them. I could also believe you're just cranky, though.

    2. Me cranky is a VERY safe bet.

    3. Be happy Mel, I send smiles your way! Use some! :D

    4. i must have been commenting in my sleep. i seriously don't remember posting this stuff. and i can tell from the punctuation from the original comment that it was from my phone, so yeah. commenting in my sleep. thought you might get a kick out of that fact. i am glad that was all i said!!

    5. That's awesome. I'd much rather believe my blog just has magical powers, though. I'll go with that.

  2. Your answer to question #2 was hilarious.

    As far as putting peanut butter on chocolate, most people find that disgusting. I love it. I am allergic to palm oil, which is an ingredient in Nutella. Someone told me that's just what Nutella tastes like, so I tried it. Delicious stuff, but I can't put peanut butter on my chocolate in front of friends and family or else it will make them feel sick.

    1. It tastes similar actually. A little off.. it's just like creamier chocolate. Also, your family and friends are weird. Haven't they heard of Reese's? Geeze.

  3. These answers are amazing, and worth any mindless tagging/rule breaking that incurred in the process.

    I love questions like #5. People use them to gauge someone else's intelligence, and yet they seem to think they only have 1 answer. True intelligence is finding the easy way out without having to strain your brain figuring out some kind of ridiculous back and forth truth and lie logic. Like your answer. The question doesn't specify 'the rules'. It doesn't say you're dead, it doesn't say you DON'T have a gun... it just says '2 identical guards stand before you.' Before that point in time, whatever happened is completely up to you.

    If anything, heaven and hell should probably invest in better guards.

    1. The answer to rule 5 was the answer I first gave when I was just a kid. I believe when you're a kid, your answers are smarter. When we grow up we lose that sense of simplicity. Obviously, as a kid I was told that was the wrong answer because "one guard only tells the truth and the other always lies so you're in the same situation" blahblah. All these rules all of a sudden.

      And yes. They need a guards with questions that aren't over-used.

  4. I'm laughing and cringing at the same time. Ihadn't read this yet and was prepared to see me blasted, lol.

    Glad you were having a good day.

    1. I'm a tiny bit confused. You're Leon Kennedy?

    2. No, but I was two days late in commenting. That and I sometimes put stupid stuff up. hehe.

    3. Commenting has no time limit, silly. And so do I, for the most part you're alright.

  5. um, not to be an asshole (but I am) You said in your feb 13th post that your prized possetion is your ipod and if your house was burning down it would be the only thing you'd save, but here in question 8 you said your wallet... what the fuck? is your wallet an ipod or are you fickle or do you not take these questions as serious as I do?

    And for five, what if you wanna go to hell? I can't imagine heaven being that fun of a place! (chior music compared to heavy metal!)

    1. Well, I don't take this as seriously as some people do. Regardless, the response is different because February 13th, my wallet was empty. It had my ID but it's expired and I need a new one anyway. The iPod is pretty valuable too, but in the event that my house is actually burning down I think I'd have time to catch both of them since they're usually together.

  6. Sometimes when I'm walking to work I'll hear sirens and wonder if my place is on fire. Then I try to think of what I would grab from it if it really was on fire, but I can never decide. My wallet seems like the logical choice.

    1. I'm trying to think of reasons one would wonder if their house is on fire. Do you run a meth lab?

    2. I guess I'm just a worrier!

  7. Replies
    1. You could use the 2 seconds you used to read this post to save 15% or more on Geico.

  8. 'Bout to pop the trunk on #7.
    Also, my inner sixth-grader notes that this directly states that 'you have eight balls of the same size'!
    Tough life, D4 <3

    1. You'd be surprised how many women have that fetish. Life's good.

  9. i just found this now. Sorry, I only read your music blog. That's why I didn't think you'd been tagged to that point.


All comments welcome, positive, negative, short or long..
but if you so much as dare say "Nice post!" or leave a senseless comment without really having read, I will tie you down and saw off your genitalia.

Have a nice day!