

Justified Hypocrisy

Any of you remember the first post on this blog?  Most of you should. I was talking about shitty comments and how I fucking hate them. I think it's normal to hate shitty comments, and I think that they should be hated out loud.

The hypocrisy:

I leave my fair of shitty comments too, and it pains me every time. Every time. 

There's tactics involved. Sometimes I skim a post, sometimes I don't even have to. Reading other comments to get the gist of a post is sometimes acceptable, and watching out for anything fishy is always necessary. I stay away from the general 'Lol, wow nice post!' comments, but I still respond with lesser used terrible comments like 'Wow, isn't it just awesome how I took someone else's comment and rephrased it so it looks like I give a fuck about your post?'

I can justify my behavior, though.

I appreciate every comment I receive. I never go out of my way in search for new followers, I never expect a comment back, and I have this need to thank everyone that takes something from my posts. If you stop through my music blog and leave a worthwhile comment, something that required actual thought, I will give your blog a peek.

This is just my way of saying thank you. You mean something to me. Even if your blog is a steamy pile of dog shit, I appreciate that you had anything to say and I'm happy you exist.

Sometimes I grow to enjoy these so-called steamy piles of dog shit and after a few read-overs I realize that this dog shit is made of diamonds. Other times, that never happens and I end up just feeling bad for continuing following someone that apparently, I just don't like.

It's seriously not hard for me to end up liking you. I'm very open minded. But if you try to rhyme in such a way that ends up making no sense, or if you copy and paste your entire blog post from somewhere else, all you're getting out of me is a full on boycott.

Most of the people following me right now have gotten my shitty comments at one point or another, and right now most of my followers are people who I either like personally, or have blogs that I really enjoy.

Here's some tips, in case you openly admit to having shit for brains when it comes to your blog.

Write your own material, don't leech, don't be boring, don't try and fuck my eyes with your shitty writing, and eventually I'll like you. That's almost a promise. No guarantees.

Tip of the day: Rub soap on the floor of your shower to clean your feet easier. It's genius.


  1. "Write your own material, don't leech, don't be boring, .."

    this is why i came to blogger, for original content. so far so good.
    worthy rant.

  2. The first comment I ever received was from a man clearly confused by the English language. He was under the impression I was a drug addict, and was offering me pills, I believe. I printed the comment and framed it.

    1. Yeah, sorry about that. I've stopped blogging while intoxicated since then.

  3. LOL! Nice post =D No seriously, I am glad that you stop by my steaming pile of dog shit whenever I post something. There are a few of my readers that I actually look forward to what they have to say, and you are one of them.

    1. Sometimes I read your blog tired and I take little note of something important you might have said, catch it with the wrong light and only talk about the food. Then it's like, oh snap, I totally misunderstood her tone about this! Then I feel all crappy for like, 5 minutes.

  4. You can't really control who Follows you though, so if they Follow you it isn't like you are obligated in any way to Follow back.

    1. And I don't. If they leave a nice educated comment though, I really do feel the need to repay the favor. If I could say thank you to the googlers I'd probably do something similar too.

  5. That's them told...I agree keep it at least a little bit original

  6. Some pretty solid ground rules there. I want to be a shiny diamond borne from dog poo. Nothing like a good rant, and this is one of them.

  7. I used to have a very liberal follow back policy, reciprocating to anyone at all who followed me or left a single comment, but over time the amount of blogs in my reader got ridiculous and the amount of time required to go through them all daily was just too much.

    So now I only follow and interact with blogs I genuinely like, which is still pretty much an unmanageable amount, but better than before. You and a few others who visit me regularly get top priority, everyone else I get to if I have time that day, or if their current post catches my eye. Win win I think.

    1. I think as long as you like them it's a fair trade. And as a blogger, people should strive to catch their readers' attention. You're definitely just, more so than I am.


All comments welcome, positive, negative, short or long..
but if you so much as dare say "Nice post!" or leave a senseless comment without really having read, I will tie you down and saw off your genitalia.

Have a nice day!